Best pizza in Pilsen, Urquell!!!

--- Credits --- Sunday 2020/8/11 --- Česká verze ---

Impetuous column
or How to Extract Back Tooth to Bourgeoisie.

Note of author: Till 2020/10/5 was ordering my columns Czech TV and Goverment of Czech Rep., whoam I send the refer-tag to this site. - The thema is unriddling by me only! ;o)


Pyrrhic victory of the West that’s truly annoying!

My mom used to say to me: "Stop crying or I’ll slap you more!" That’s how the entire reasonable East acts toward the "winning" West.
All I can say regarding that is this: We have won the fight with ourselves and still can cope with you! Your has been taken into account only by a few - all the mighty ones are either subject of a restitution, compensation or privatization and a trial with the communism that would clarify it all is nowhere to find.
You know, esteemed West, we have lived in that, and to be honest, we have a much bigger mess in our Republic now than we used to have at the communist times (we just don’t know "if it’s upon us" - that our state).
... but thank you - at least we have seen the colorful cloths up close! ;o(
-the author is Marazko-

translation by MPS Ltd. Prague CZ

Previous columns.

All columns.
All Headlines.
Year 2018.
Year 2019.
Year 2020.
Year 2021.
Year 2022.
2020/16/12 - Obituary of The Confidence of The White Man ( in The Rose Sign ;o) ) or in Other Words, How They Wanted to Be Over-dense!
2020/14/12 - Templar’s Vatican vs. Chamber of Doctors!
2020/5/12 - Another Syndrom Has Come into Existence!
2020/25/11 - Instance to Goverment for Let me from home prison.
2020/7/11 - Assessment of the Civilization Regarding Accessibility of Czech Characters on An Amazon Shipment!
2020/11/1 - The Ex-President Is Out - He Didn’t Have A Face Mask!
2020/26/10 - Do You Have Fun with Social Media or Does Social Media Have Fun with Themselves?!
2020/11/10 - People in Field’s Grey!
2020/10/10 - You Don’t Want BOOZE, Beer Nation?! (CZ)
2020/9/10 - Column Written on the Noose!
2020/7/10 - Golden Parachute: Nagano!
2020/2/10 - Monty Python's Ping Problem!
2020/10/1 - At the End of the Rock-and-roll We Got the System Of A Down!
2020/10/1 - Bonmots of the Theory of Theories!
2020/30/9 - Moment of Power!
2020/26/9 - How They’ve Eaten It All, and Havel as Well!
2020/23/9 - Movies in Us!
2020/18/9 - E-Culture!
2020/8/9 - Just Do It!
2020/7/9 - Godliness or Raped Jehovah of the Catechist in Us!
2020/6/9 - Trip to Taiwan or ODS Has a Narrow Escape!
2020/5/9 - Buy me - or 1/Whore!
2020/3/9 - Polista Assista!
2020/3/9 - Peace & Victory!
2020/3/9 - Captain Moučka - Give up!
2020/9/8 - Parliament, Google It!
2020/28/7 - News Life!
2020/23/7 - My life - the Brothel of Unions!
2020/10/7 - Our Hockey Player Mononoke!
2020/8/7 - Old CzechTek - Big Hunting Ball!
2020/29/6 - The Damn Munich!
2020/27/6 - Let’s Sing a Song Out Loud, but in German!
2020/14/6 - Lend me, Czech Police!
2020/11/6 - Incapacity of Mobile Networks!
2020/9/6 - Million Moments for the Right!
2020/9/6 - Lend me a Pencil!
2020/5/6 - Let’s Disinfect the Middle East!
2020/28/5 - 300 Words!
2020/28/5 - Police Whatever State!
2020/24/5 - Douglas, You Foretell Many Things!
2020/22/5 - Shame On You, Electroshock!
2020/10/5 - We’ll Command Chlama, Pest - Czech TV!
2020/27/4 - When Will Czech TV Betray Us?!
2020/3/3 - When the Radar Failed, He Created An Electric Guitar.
2020/18/2 - Crisis Doesn’t Leave Itself.

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