Best pizza in Pilsen, Urquell!!!

--- Credits --- Sunday 2020/8/11 --- Česká verze ---

Impetuous column
or How to Extract Back Tooth to Bourgeoisie.

Note of author: Till 2020/10/5 was ordering my columns Czech TV and Goverment of Czech Rep., whoam I send the refer-tag to this site. - The thema is unriddling by me only! ;o)


Rehabilitation through Putin!

In 1968 when the Czechoslovakia was right in the middle of the slow coup for better times named Communism with Human Face and the entire Dubček movement we were attacked by Warszaw Pact troops and the coup was stopped with the fake so-called Invitation Letter from the government of Czechoslovakia to the USSR. After conquering the land the Russians decided to stay and forced us with their sadomasochistic hypocrisy to sign (!every Czechoslovak citizen!) that we agreed with the entry of the Warsaw Pact troops.
My mother has allegedly not signed and it affected her career of a mathematics professor at a university - until her retirement she remained being assistant professor - !even the entire 30 years after the Velvet Revolution!
What other way could one understand Putin’s war in the Ukraine than a rehabilitation of everything the bourgeoisie lazy postcommunist bastards who could do nothing but kill all the authentic ones and keep those who cheated for money have not rehabilitated yet.
Anyway - we lack a right court trial with the communism and everyone who is just a little bit more informed than from the media knows that even the West is scared as it doesn’t want to loose its treasures.
So let’s hope that a war trial that must be carried out after the Ukraine war (after all the wrongdoings of the small by little-power Russian nation in Ukraine) with Putin (or his copy ;o) ) will make things right and my mother will be rehabilitated for her heroism as she righteously deserves!
-the author is Marazko-

translation by MPS Ltd. Prague CZ

Previous columns.

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Year 2018.
Year 2019.
Year 2020.
Year 2021.
Year 2022.
2021/14/12 - See ya, chick!
2021/22/11 - Our gayity!
2021/29/10 - Oligarchy-like attitude of universities towards talents!
2021/16/10 - Abrah Islam!
2021/10/10 - Justice under the counter!
2021/6/9 - Western (from the China) terrorist governments!
2021/6/9 - Hold on, Pionyer!
2021/31/8 - Pyrrhic victory of the West that’s truly annoying!
2021/24/8 - U.S.A. is the biggest ...!
2021/29/7 - New proposal for the Japanese KFC: Instead of Twist - Helsinki Syndrome!
2021/17/7 - Asshole!
2021/16/7 - So that minorities don’t become majority!
2021/9/7 - Don’t Let U.S. Be Like the U.S.A. Otherwise the Security Will Betray U.S. (CZech Rep.)!
2021/7/7 - Arch-DaftPunk!
2021/2/7 - We Are TRANS!
2021/27/6 - You Don’t Understand a Joke - You Don’t Lose in Figth a Dick!
2021/14/6 - In the Name of the Republic: How They Deprived the Bear of the Full Moon!
2021/29/5 - D: Give me Your 666 - I Will Show You What Kind of Person You Are!
2021/8/5 - The Pit and the Pendulum!
2021/7/5 - Victim of the Spiral!
2021/5/5 - Jan Nevečeřal, You (S)keta!
2021/21/3 - Bony and Quit!
2021/15/3 - Germanies not Stolen Gold Card of Valas!
2021/3/3 - A Fight by Stanislavskij!
2021/19/2 - Relations and Reversification!
2021/7/2 - U.F.C. - Where Was It When I Came Across an Idiot Last Time?
2021/21/1 - The Eighth Continent - Where did I Hear That?
2021/3/1 - For Rage Against the Machine foR

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