Best pizza in Pilsen, Urquell!!!

--- Credits --- Sunday 2020/8/11 --- Česká verze ---

Impetuous column
or How to Extract Back Tooth to Bourgeoisie.

Note of author: Till 2020/10/5 was ordering my columns Czech TV and Goverment of Czech Rep., whoam I send the refer-tag to this site. - The thema is unriddling by me only! ;o)


Million Moments for the Right!

Culture of the right is something very delicate. Even more delicate than the culture itself. The modern Standup comedies that say nothing and educate noone are equal to what a lawyer dares to do!
... and voila, here is the Quiet Revolution supported by corrupted lawyers able to do anything for a few bucks instead of defending their system.
So next time when you ask your neighbor where are your children, be sure that thanks to the Quiet Revolution being done in the last 13 years you are not spreading alarming news which you could be blamed for 13 years ago by Mr Kalousek (our powered by Arnold). The right goes to people and we understand now that a "good" lawyer is not enough, without a good law. Thank you for your attention.
-the author is Marazko-

translation by MPS Ltd. Prague CZ

Previous columns.

All columns.
All Headlines.
Year 2018.
Year 2019.
Year 2020.
Year 2021.
Year 2022.
2020/16/12 - Obituary of The Confidence of The White Man ( in The Rose Sign ;o) ) or in Other Words, How They Wanted to Be Over-dense!
2020/14/12 - Templar’s Vatican vs. Chamber of Doctors!
2020/5/12 - Another Syndrom Has Come into Existence!
2020/25/11 - Instance to Goverment for Let me from home prison.
2020/7/11 - Assessment of the Civilization Regarding Accessibility of Czech Characters on An Amazon Shipment!
2020/11/1 - The Ex-President Is Out - He Didn’t Have A Face Mask!
2020/26/10 - Do You Have Fun with Social Media or Does Social Media Have Fun with Themselves?!
2020/11/10 - People in Field’s Grey!
2020/10/10 - You Don’t Want BOOZE, Beer Nation?! (CZ)
2020/9/10 - Column Written on the Noose!
2020/7/10 - Golden Parachute: Nagano!
2020/2/10 - Monty Python's Ping Problem!
2020/10/1 - At the End of the Rock-and-roll We Got the System Of A Down!
2020/10/1 - Bonmots of the Theory of Theories!
2020/30/9 - Moment of Power!
2020/26/9 - How They’ve Eaten It All, and Havel as Well!
2020/23/9 - Movies in Us!
2020/18/9 - E-Culture!
2020/8/9 - Just Do It!
2020/7/9 - Godliness or Raped Jehovah of the Catechist in Us!
2020/6/9 - Trip to Taiwan or ODS Has a Narrow Escape!
2020/5/9 - Buy me - or 1/Whore!
2020/3/9 - Polista Assista!
2020/3/9 - Peace & Victory!
2020/3/9 - Captain Moučka - Give up!
2020/9/8 - Parliament, Google It!
2020/28/7 - News Life!
2020/23/7 - My life - the Brothel of Unions!
2020/10/7 - Our Hockey Player Mononoke!
2020/8/7 - Old CzechTek - Big Hunting Ball!
2020/29/6 - The Damn Munich!
2020/27/6 - Let’s Sing a Song Out Loud, but in German!
2020/14/6 - Lend me, Czech Police!
2020/11/6 - Incapacity of Mobile Networks!
2020/9/6 - Million Moments for the Right!
2020/9/6 - Lend me a Pencil!
2020/5/6 - Let’s Disinfect the Middle East!
2020/28/5 - 300 Words!
2020/28/5 - Police Whatever State!
2020/24/5 - Douglas, You Foretell Many Things!
2020/22/5 - Shame On You, Electroshock!
2020/10/5 - We’ll Command Chlama, Pest - Czech TV!
2020/27/4 - When Will Czech TV Betray Us?!
2020/3/3 - When the Radar Failed, He Created An Electric Guitar.
2020/18/2 - Crisis Doesn’t Leave Itself.

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