Best pizza in Pilsen, Urquell!!!

--- Credits --- Sunday 2020/8/11 --- Česká verze ---

Impetuous column
or How to Extract Back Tooth to Bourgeoisie.

Note of author: Till 2020/10/5 was ordering my columns Czech TV and Goverment of Czech Rep., whoam I send the refer-tag to this site. - The thema is unriddling by me only! ;o)


Captain Moučka - Give up!

Captain Moučka has been living with us for a long time. If you’ve ever felt sorry for some junkie then captain Moučka literally hates you because he want the so called fight of the clean algae which means fight with the sea.
That’s why since the dawn of time white people can work with drugs, the hard ones or the basic ones and also the dangerous ones (among other things also marijuana - close relation to the inner principle of electroshock).
That’s why in the future I have studied from secret historical documents, because everything has been here before and everything in history repeats (why doing something important in a different way (if you are bored BUY A RACCOON)), only smart drugs will be allowed (stuff chosen by the doctor that work similarly like THC (the most important ingredient in marijuana) and later on !exactly! they will stop "giving") because the Police actually supports today’s drugs (they are still necessary).
But I solemnly announce that this time is over and you captain Moučka must give up today already because a social can not change from one day to another. So the classical ultimate of the S.W.O.R.D. team - if you don’t give up, captain Captain Moučka, you are a dead man! Long live Vexille 2077!
-the author is Marazko-

translation by MPS Ltd. Prague CZ

Previous columns.

All columns.
All Headlines.
Year 2018.
Year 2019.
Year 2020.
Year 2021.
Year 2022.
2022/11/12 - Sanctions for the bank!
2022/04/11 - Just the U.S.!
2022/28/09 - Revenge for Afghanistan (cooperation or callaboration?)!
2022/23/09 - The OLD in the hands of the police!
2022/12/08 - QUEER deal!
2022/30/07 - The power of education! - little anthropological analysis
2022/21/07 - Power of awareness!
2022/16/07 - There is no democracy in Srí Lanka controlled by Europe - people are attacking!
2022/07/07 - There is a lack of women in Russia - Putin has been attacking!
2022/22/05 - Kryhplcity IN SPIRAL!
2022/11/05 - Rehabilitation through Putin!
2022/22/04 - Mad-house!
2022/16/04 - [: Izvinyite ma - igrayet Radio Revolutsiya :]
2022/16/04 - 666 vs Whore Manata!
2022/12/04 - Zed is dead, baby - ZET is dead!
2022/02/04 - Trial with the Fake King!
2022/25/03 - Fake Grease!
2022/02/03 - What are we putting in our buttonholes tomorrow II?!
2022/24/02 - What are we putting in our buttonholes tomorrow?! (Golden bullet Siciliana!)
2022/01/01 - Mutiny on the Bounty (EDEN - paradise)!

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